Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Greatest job in the world!

I have just recently realized that I have the best job in the world. It doesn't pay very well by currency standards, but when I sit back and think about it, I've been chasing a dollar for years and have never been as satisfied doing what I do now, than any other job I've ever had. You see, Sara and I had said while she was pregnant that it would be great for one of us to stay home and watch 'Bells. Well, be careful what you ask for, because God may just make it a reality. Our little girl had been in NICU for nearly a month, and the Friday before she was discharged, I was told that my services as a Dratsman were no longer needed. Ok, let's think about that for a sec. We just had our first baby 8 weeks early. She's in NICU for 1 month. I just lost my job! WOW. Yeah, let the reality of that sink in for a minute. How easy could it have been to lose it on the spot?! I quietly told my supervisor "not to worry about me and my family", and that "God will provide for us". I must say that I love being a newborn son of God, because without him, who knows where my family would be right now. Instead of everone flipping out, we all knew that this was God's plan and that he would provide for us. I was let go on Feb. 26th and haven't found work since. But we haven't missed a bill, a meal, or anything in between. It's unexplainable! On a side note, to those who haven't quite come to terms with the "tithe", let me say this, if you're waiting on the right time to start, you've already missed it! Our house has tithed on every gift and income that we've received, and we are better off financially now than we were when I was employed. Not bragging about money, but I am bragging on what God can do for you! So when someone argues the tithe to my family, well, that dog doesn't hunt!

Any-who, I have completely come to terms that I have a wonderful job at the moment, and I shouldn't take it for granted. For the day will come when I will once again be working for a dollar, and longing to get home to my family. As for now, the sleepless nights, days without showers or breakfast, a workout schedule that is all but unexisting, cluttered house, etc., is my life and I love it! I have honestly accepted my role as "Mr. Mom" for the moment, because I know it won't last. And besides, who wouldn't want to be able to wake up at 2 a.m. every morning and not have to worry about going into the office later that day? I get to spend the entire day watching our little miracle grow up before my eyes. She's come such a long way since she was born and is growing up too fast already. I can't help but wonder every day what she will do, and where her tiny feet will go. But once again, be careful what you ask for, for that day too will be upon us before we know it.


  1. Yay Derek! God has blessed my family to allow me to stay home with my girls since my youngest was born 6 years ago last week! :) I actually homeschool the girls so they are with me nearly 24/7 and, while it certainly has it's challenges, I love most every minute of it! The almighty dollar just can't compete with the joy of seeing all of the cool things that your children do on a day-to-day basis. Enjoy your time with your little girl - it's worth every dollar you sacrifice and you're so right...God will totally provide!!

  2. Great Blog Derek...enjoy your time w/ is so great to watch them grow up and learn everything. Makes you appreciate the world in a whole new way.

    Debbie Wilson Citta
