Friday, May 15, 2009

Importance of relaying a message

I have started early on my quest to read the bible in 90 days. is posting a reading plan on June 1st for people interested in doing this. Well, I didn't make it far before I had a major thought run through my noggin. As we can all remember the "gossip" game we played as kids in our class room's, where the teacher whispered a phrase in one kids ear. Now as the rules go, you were to whisper what you heard to the person beside of you. You could only say it once! We all know how the game ends. The poor kid at the end of the line ends up with a phrase that in no way shape or form sounds like what was originally told by the teacher.
My thought was this: I obviously live in the South, where everyone is a "Christian" if you ask them. Everyone, if asked, loves Jesus, guns and Nascar. Amen, now pass the biscuits! We all know people that are turned off by the Church because of how someone relayed the message of the Gospel to them. I was one of them. I thought, if that's how "religious" people are supposed to act, and treat people, well, I think I can do better on my own! Who needs religion, faith, etc... to be a good person?! It all goes back to how the message was "whispered" to me (or you), by someone. Unfortunately, I was the kid at the end of the line, and the message I received was nothing like what was originally told by the teacher.
Reading through Genesis we see this before we even have to take our first bathroom break. We all know how the story goes. Satan persuades Eve to eat from the Tree of Good and Evil. What is it that he asked her? Genesis 3:1-3 "Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?" Of course we may eat fruit from the trees in the garden," the woman replied. "It's only the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden that we are not allowed to eat. God said, 'You must not eat it or even touch it; if you do, you will die.' " Ok, here we go. God (the teacher) told this information directly to Adam. But now he told him that he could not eat from either the Tree of Knowledge, or the Tree of Good and Evil before Eve was ever created. So the thought hit me; "who told Eve?" I think it must have been Adam, relaying the message to Eve. Only he didn't quite recite it correctly. It was lost in translation. It was a short line, granted, but the message was not given correctly. Eve was at the "end of the line" if you will.
I believe that regardless what was told to Eve, thanks to a passive man standing by her side, we were destined to live a life of sin. But don't you see the importance of getting the message right when relaying it to others? If only we would share our faith with kindness and gentleness? How many more people would be charging hell with a water pistol?! I've met some incredible people volunteering for our church, and love hearing about how their life's changed because someone didn't relay the message they heard from the "end of the line", but rather heard it clearly from the teacher and relayed it them correctly.
So next time some one asks you why you believe what you believe, remember the importance of "relaying the message". When it comes to "hearing from the teacher", what end of the line are you on?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Greatest job in the world!

I have just recently realized that I have the best job in the world. It doesn't pay very well by currency standards, but when I sit back and think about it, I've been chasing a dollar for years and have never been as satisfied doing what I do now, than any other job I've ever had. You see, Sara and I had said while she was pregnant that it would be great for one of us to stay home and watch 'Bells. Well, be careful what you ask for, because God may just make it a reality. Our little girl had been in NICU for nearly a month, and the Friday before she was discharged, I was told that my services as a Dratsman were no longer needed. Ok, let's think about that for a sec. We just had our first baby 8 weeks early. She's in NICU for 1 month. I just lost my job! WOW. Yeah, let the reality of that sink in for a minute. How easy could it have been to lose it on the spot?! I quietly told my supervisor "not to worry about me and my family", and that "God will provide for us". I must say that I love being a newborn son of God, because without him, who knows where my family would be right now. Instead of everone flipping out, we all knew that this was God's plan and that he would provide for us. I was let go on Feb. 26th and haven't found work since. But we haven't missed a bill, a meal, or anything in between. It's unexplainable! On a side note, to those who haven't quite come to terms with the "tithe", let me say this, if you're waiting on the right time to start, you've already missed it! Our house has tithed on every gift and income that we've received, and we are better off financially now than we were when I was employed. Not bragging about money, but I am bragging on what God can do for you! So when someone argues the tithe to my family, well, that dog doesn't hunt!

Any-who, I have completely come to terms that I have a wonderful job at the moment, and I shouldn't take it for granted. For the day will come when I will once again be working for a dollar, and longing to get home to my family. As for now, the sleepless nights, days without showers or breakfast, a workout schedule that is all but unexisting, cluttered house, etc., is my life and I love it! I have honestly accepted my role as "Mr. Mom" for the moment, because I know it won't last. And besides, who wouldn't want to be able to wake up at 2 a.m. every morning and not have to worry about going into the office later that day? I get to spend the entire day watching our little miracle grow up before my eyes. She's come such a long way since she was born and is growing up too fast already. I can't help but wonder every day what she will do, and where her tiny feet will go. But once again, be careful what you ask for, for that day too will be upon us before we know it.